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Madden 25's Franchise mode appear to be simple tweaks by Ludwighench hench
Active 2 months ago пользователь 1
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  • It's the time of year as football fans wait eagerly for the arrival of their final option for NFL joy on consoles and PC. This year is a little more different as the folks working at EA Sports in charge of the Mut 25 coins franchise mode have made promises of major changes, and it is a given that they will factor in this Madden 25 review. Fans have waited for a long time to hear this promise from EA and I've have spent a good portion of my playing in the franchise mode during this review. But don't worry, I'll go over more than this, so let's dive into the details here.

    The majority of the changes of Madden 25 are those which can be perceived and felt. Sometimes EA attempts to claim that "XYZ" is improved, but when you get the sticks and they don't look any to be any different. However, what I can notice and experience on the field that has been better is the result of more fluid player movement as well as the addition of additional animations to give the game an authentic look and feel.

    The player's momentum has also experienced an improvement in the way that strength, weight and direction are now playing an increasingly important role in the way that blocking or tackling sequences are played out. The capability to turn on the fly in an unreal manner has greatly diminished as, in my opinion it is as smooth as it did in the past.

    The improvements in momentum for players are the most significant impact when playing on field particularly when the field is short, like goal line and fourth-down situations. The momentum and weight of the player are evident in tackling sequences when stronger and bigger players can make a greater impact than players who are more agile. The animations do a great job in making me feel as if I was watching the players recreate their movements and performance while watching on television or in an arena.

    But I did notice certain animation quirks that I did not see, like ball carriers taking on defenders or running backs swapping uniforms mid cheap Madden nfl 25 coins game (no is it really) and players rushing directly past my returner or through the wall then out the field, without losing a single step.

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