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Therefore I *Could* Reinstall It On Steam by Kingang drencase.097094@gmail.com
Active 3 years ago пользователь 1
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  • Regrettably, I have declared the Meseta pso2 game a few times today already and the same thing is still happening. I am pretty sure it is just the xbox app being owo fucky wucky, so I *could* reinstall it on steam (as suggested by another response ) but its 80gb and my internet is absolute wank therefore it'll take a good 24 hours to reinstall

    Hello, I fixed this last month. It's a problem with xbox game company. Ah, I think they actually renamed the app to just"xbox (beta)" or something today so it might be called that.

    Have you ever seen someone so amazing you began yelling? (Feat Pso2 chat)

    I am a new pso2 participant looking for tips to get the best experience possible in sport

    I got pso2 the exact same day it launched about the steam version and I can honestly state I really like the game. So far I have 35 hours in the game but I still feel like there's so much I have not learned. I'm currently a level 52 hunter and my sub class is force and that course is level 30. Regrettably, I awakened correctly leveling my mag since I gave it whatever weak weapons was in my stock and now it is not balanced concerning stats. Is there anything I should be conscious of in regards to hitting late game? I'm already tackling quite hard and super difficult quests and they are fun! Also where do I farm rising weapon badges? I truly want to put the time into actually get really good at the game so any tips are appreciated. In addition, I plan to level up all classes to 30 as it is needed for the steam achievements.

    Begin with a hunter manual... should provide you good advice about what things to do with your mag, subclass, and skill trees. Force is not an excellent sub for hunter...

    Thanks for the advice! I was interested in drive which is the reason why I'd went with it.

    This game isn't difficult in the slightest (at least in our present state). So dont feel bad about making mistakes as nothing is really permanent/undo able. Matters such as as mag levels could be flashed and course skill points could be redone (albeit with Cheap PSO2 Meseta some caveats like awaiting patches). My final word of advice is find a team to join that you like, aside from benefits and bonuses that they could teach ya the game if they're willing.

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