World of Warcraft : Shadowland's long-awaited patch 9.1. » Обсуждения » P2Pah WOW WOTLK Classic:Things are extremely smooth

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    14 декабря 2022 г.

    The popularity that has been enjoyed by WoW Classic has surprised even WOTLK Classic Gold Blizzard who thought that the game was only appealing to core fans. Executive producer John Hight told P2Pah: "It definitely impressed us."

    He said: "When we put out Classic, we weren't sure whether it would be a huge deal or not? We kind of thought"Our core fans are really going to love Classic, we'll do this for them.' But then this was not a single large community composed of WoW players. The size of our modern WoW community. It was quite a shock to us." Hight said. "We thought, 'Oh God, we're required to support two communities. What do we do?'"

    "Suffice this to state, I think we're likely to hold the record for the two most popular MMOs on Earth. Therefore, it's a massive community. More than we imagined it was going to be."World of Warcraft Devs Talk Patch 7.2 Aiding Solo Players Also, the Possibility of flowing Capes

    World of Warcraft Patch 7.2 The Tomb of Sargeras has been live for a few weeks currently, and even as the development team is working to improve its experience (a batch of fixes was released last week) an achievement remains: this is the biggest update that isn't expansion-related of Blizzard's MMO.

    In the days prior to 7.2 release we spoke to Travis Day (senior producer), Ryan Shwayder (senior designer and content supervisor) and Morgan Day (senior designer as also Dungeon and Raid design lead) Both talked on their expectations for the Tomb of Sargeras as well as the creation of material for their game.P2Pah: You must've been working very difficult to get this out the to the.

    Travis Day: Things are extremely smooth at the moment. We're feeling pretty good The situation is very well from a production perspective. I began my initial planning for this and for the whole patches schedule in Legion at the end of March or March...Part of our efforts is to have things done early and ensure we're able to keep the schedule that we've been working to get the content out. It's to avoid having to perform some kind of crazy crunches or something along those related to.

    I've had a conversation with members of the team previously about this and it's clear that you guys have the ability to maintain this incredible level of content without harming yourself the team. How are you able to keep up with this pace?

    TD A: Of course, everyone has a look at me, as the producer. I believe it's that we've grown the team over time, so the team keeps cheap WOTLK Classic Gold getting bigger, and so it's in a position to support more content. The other issue we've worked on is really focusing on improving our skills and improving the way we organize these patches and how we create for these patches.