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What Should You Buy with Animal Crossing New Horizons Nook Miles by Hanse Tiles
Active 3 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • The Nook Miles feature is one of the most interesting additions to the latest iteration of Animal Crossing, and it is definitely worth checking out. It provides an alternative form of currency that grants access to a slew of interesting new items, flair, and enhanced terraforming capabilities. It also functions as a sort of achievement system, with players being rewarded for completing various tasks, which can be tracked down through a convenient in-game app. Despite the fact that there is a long list of useful and interesting items to obtain, Nook Miles are not always easy to come by. Even if a large number are obtained at once, it is relatively simple to consume a large number of them at once, given the large number of assets that can be purchased - and occasionally repurchased - with them.

    This list will highlight 5 of the best things to spend Nook Miles on, as well as some of the things that are probably not worth spending your hard-earned money on. The main emphasis will be on functional items as opposed to those that aren't - though the fun decorative flair will not be overlooked either.

    What Should You Buy with Animal Crossing New Horizons Nook Miles

    Wind turbines aren't worth it.
    A wind turbine isn't exactly eye-catching, but for something that costs 4,000 miles to transport, you'd think New Hampshire would provide something a little more exciting or dazzling than a wind turbine. However, it does come with the rather interesting gimmick of spinning - ever so slowly, to be honest. Furthermore, it could possibly serve as a lovely centerpiece for a farm or garden. There are a slew of interesting-looking items to choose from over this, even when it comes to power-generating mechanisms (such as a solar panel).

    Purchase a Bell Voucher
    The way things stand right now, NH allows players who have an excess of Nook Miles - or those who are looking to make an extra dollar - to convert some of those Miles into Bells. This is a valuable feature, not only because the amounts are limitless, but also because of the favorable exchange rate that is available.500 Miles will instantly convert to 3,000 bells ACNH, which can add up to a significant amount of money if purchased in large quantities. Unfortunately, due to the inability to purchase in bulk, it will be difficult to make a large amount of money from them at the same time. In any case, it's definitely worthwhile to pick up several of them at the same time and pawning them at Nook's Cranny.

    Customizable Phone Case Kit Isn't Worth the Money
    It is true that this allows you to customize your phone's appearance, but given how small the phone model is in-game, it is a rather underwhelming visual effect. When you consider that the 1,800 Miles purchase is only valid for one time use and that you must wait an entire day to receive it in the mail, it becomes clear that this is not a worthwhile investment. Others, particularly those who are artistically inclined and enjoy drawing custom images, may find something useful in it, but the majority of people will think it's a waste of their time.

    Purchase a Nook Miles Ticket
    Along with the Nook Miles feature itself, another entertaining addition to NH is the ability to travel to the mysterious terrain of Mystery islands via Mystery tour flights, which is a fun way to see what the islands are like. For this to happen, simply buy NMT ACNH for the reasonable asking price of 2,000 Miles to get the ball rolling! These island getaways are usually quite fruitful, both in the literal and figurative sense, despite the fact that the cost of a single trip appears to be quite high. Along with the opportunity to harvest a plethora of valuable exotic fruits, players will also have the opportunity to mine for additional resources, catch rare fish/bugs, and even recruit a new villagers.

    Robot Hero Do-It-Yourself Kit is not worth it.
    Beyond offering items that can be purchased, the Nook Stop machine also provides access to a variety of DIY recipes that can be downloaded for free. Some of these have a high level of novelty or a low price that makes them appear to be well worth the money spent on them. This is also advantageous because the recipes can be obtained right away, as opposed to items that take a day to arrive in the mail.

    Although some of these do-it-yourself projects are inexpensive, there are some obstacles to overcome that make them not quite worth the effort. Not only does it take a long time to obtain the recipe, but it is also difficult to construct the actual robot on top of the already difficult 5,000 Bells required to do so.30 Rusted parts (obtained by assisting Gulliver), 10 highly coveted Gold Nuggets, 1 Gold Armor, 1 Rocket, and a whopping 90 Iron Nuggets are included in this package.

    Purchase: Street Lamp
    On the one hand, it may appear to be a simple item, but the Street Lamp is actually a pretty cool item to acquire relatively early on in New Hampshire. Not only does it have a nice appearance, but it is also reasonably priced at only 1,000 Nook Miles. It can also be used as a nice complement to a building or as a roadside feature. It also has a slight practical component to it, as it can be used to provide a subtle but pleasingly aesthetic light source in the evening when needed.

    The Teacup Ride Isn't Worth It
    Most New Horizons fans are well aware that the majority of the items available have a limited interactive element - if any at all - when it comes to gameplay. This even includes things like the Teacup ride, which appears to be something that one could easily hop into for a quick carnival ride if one so desired. However, as it turns out, this was all a trick, which is a shame given the prohibitively expensive price of 5,000 Nook Miles.

    Purchase: Stone Path
    Terraforming one's own island is one of the more significant and enjoyable milestones in New Haven's NH-style gameplay. There are a couple of abilities available right away, including the ability to lay down a dirt path in the beginning. A number of other features, such as the ability to add and subtract from cliffs, are also available for players to purchase with their money. The stone path, on the other hand, is one of the best to acquire early on, especially given its high cost. It's both aesthetically pleasing and reasonably priced, costing only 2,000 Nook Miles in total. It's a fairly adaptable look that works well in a variety of themes and settings, including formal occasions.

    Silo DIY Kit isn't worth the money.
    The 3,000 Miles asking price for this DIY kit, despite the fact that it is significantly less expensive than the aforementioned Robot, is difficult to justify. While it is significantly less difficult to make than the Robot, it still necessitates the use of a significant amount of resources. Not only that, but aside from the fact that it is the focal point of a farm setting, it is not the most visually appealing design. Alternatively, if you're looking for a tower-like structure, the lighthouse is a far more visually stunning structure.

    Purchase a Permit for Waterscaping
    Recall those ridiculously-priced bridges that you could construct by simply speaking with Nook? The ones that cost at the very least approximately 100,000 Bells? The good news is that once terraforming is unlocked, those issues will be resolved once and for all! It is particularly important to have the ability to landscape with water, which should be prioritized. It will essentially allow you to construct an infinite number of bridges to your heart's content. Despite the fact that the 6,000 Miles price appears to be a bit high, it is well worth the investment in the long run.

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