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  • Runescape Developer Jagex has put a stop with Runelite HD, a fan-made HD mod of the popular open-source client for Old School Runescape, just when the project was scheduled to go live on Monday. The decision was made at the eleventh hour, and has some Runescape fans decrying Jagex's decision . They've also said they'll shift to other games.

    Runelite HD Developer "117" posted to Reddit OSRS gold  Tuesday, sharing the message he had received from Jagex The message was later confirmed by Jagex in their own blog article. Runelite HD operates as a plugin that would give a significant visual overhaul to the foundation game Runescape and can be observed at 117's Twitter. Moderator 117 added that they've spent about 2000 hours over the past two years working on Runelite HD.

    "Yesterday we made contact with the developers of well-known HD projects, and we asked to cease development of their projects because it's a project we are directly investigating," Jagex stated. Jagex informed 117 that the company's efforts to develop an HD variant of Old School Runescape was "still relatively early in the exploration stages" but "very far from being finished."

    "Naturally this implies the fan-driven projects that will attempt to alter the way Old School RuneScape appears is contrary to our strategies," Jagex wrote to 117. "We believe it's vital to have consistency in the manner that Old School appears and therefore we're trying to be sure that our official changes will be the only ones that are available.

    It is our hope that the announcement that Jagex OSRS gold together with Old School team are tackling this issue with determination is something that you are excited about even though it could mean that we need to politely ask you shut down your personal projects."

    117 reported that they offered Jagex as a compromise, in the form of removing their project once Jagex had released their own version, and granting Jagex "collaborative management" over Runelite HD's visual style.

    "They refused to participate," 117 said. "I am beyond annoyed and dissatisfied with Jagex and am so very sorry for this long journey and a long time, I'm unable to give you the opportunity to share this idea with you. The mod isn't able to be in line with Jagex's guidelines for third-party players, but the Runescape developer says it is making changes to the guidelines over the next week to include references to projects that affect the visual appearance of the game.

    Original Runelite creator Adam1210 shared his views on Reddit saying that the ability to allow Runelite HD to continue would be beneficial for future updates developed by Jagex.

    "I also disagree strongly with adding it to the "third party guidelines," Adam1210 said. "Most of these guidelines attempt to define what the line between quality of life] and cheating lies and I'm sure that most people agree the current guidelines are a fair example of this, and it can help keep the game's integrity.

    However , there isn't any benefit in the least for enhanced graphics and it only affects you if you allow it. This is an abuse of guidelines. So overall this is really an issue for all involved and I hope Jagex would reconsider."

    Some fans in Runelite HD have taken to the streets. Runelite HD project have taken to a square in Falador the capital city of one of Runescape's main kingdoms, to stage protests similar to the one World of Warcraft players held in July. Fans can be seen in buy RuneScape gold the linked video posting texts that criticize Jagex for their decision, and hashtags like #Free117. Another video shows more people "marching" in front of Falador Square.

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